Sunday, May 8, 2011

wasting time

In my book, "tutoring" is working with a student who is struggling to learn a subject.

In my book, "not trying" (not paying attention in class, not studying, not doing homework, etc.) is altogether different from "struggling".

In my book, kids who don't try don't merit tutoring. They waste their time, and mine.


Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Raise the bar

How long has SC been in the bottom 10 percent (bottom 5 states) of the nation in education? Answer: FOREVER.

It's time to pick the bar up off the ground, and raise it. Raise expectations for SC students. DON'T send them to the next grade until they can perform at grade level. INSIST on a classroom environment that's conducive to learning. Don't allow students to talk (yell) out loud unless asked. Don't allow them to get out of their seats and roam around the classroom without permission. Deal with those who fight in the classroom, or are similarly disruptive, in the manner that they should be dealt with.

DEMAND that school teachers and school administrators educate children such that when they graduate from high school that they can compete for good jobs with other high school graduates from other states. Without a twelfth grade education, consistent with that of other students nationally, SC children will NOT get good jobs, even if they're in their own backyard.

Even raising the bar to the bottom 20 percent nationally (bottom 10 states) will be an improvement. It's time that SC pick the bar up off the ground, and raise it, for its children.


Monday, April 18, 2011

cooking the books?

I hear that Hardeeville students are doing well on SC Standards of Learning tests. But, that isn't consistent with what I observe--that many 5th grade students can't do simple addition and subtraction, much less multiplication and division.

Is Hardeville School "cooking the books"?

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

“Simply put”

While I would argue that my time as a retiree is “valuable”, it is worth SOMETHING.

I will gladly give my time, and my money (for gas, incidental supplies, etc.), to help kids with math and science.

I will NOT give my time or money to babysit or to entertain kids in school.

(I’m currently working with 5th graders.)
